Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Call to “Point Up” the Wall

A term used in masonry work to replace mortar between the bricks.

Once again our founding fathers could predict struggles between government and the people based on knowledge lived in their every day struggle to develop our nation.

The known propensity (a tendency to demonstrate particular behavior) of a democracy is to licentiousness (pursuing desires aggressively and selfishly, unchecked by morality) which the ambitious (one who has strong desire to have or do something) call (seek out or visit), and ignorant believe to be liberty. (Definitions added)
Fisher Ames, speech in the Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, January 15, 1788

My translation – “A true democracy unfettered by a moral compass tends to gravitate towards immoral philosophies because true direction is ignored, which the foolish will call liberty.”

We have seen this to be true more and more in recent decades as men and women have chosen to ignore the basic element the founding fathers used to mortar each brick of our republic while it was built. Each element or “brick” the framers eventually agreed upon and used to generate our great nations’ government was held together with a belief in God (the mortar). Mr. Fisher Ames could easily point to current events and say, “I told you so”.

There are those who prefer to confront issues using the moral compass our fathers used and others who not only ignore it but desire to stomp on it. The media in general has determined to villainies any conservative political movement, including the Tea Party movement, while overlooking similar or worse acts perpetrated by the liberals (or more correctly, progressives). This is because most mainstream media is liberal by nature. Just check the news and find all kinds of finger pointing claims to tea partiers as “dangerous, racist, homophobic bunch of loons” as Dan Gainor writes. Day after day the people who are peacefully conveying what they want THEIR government to do or not, most of the media uses a broad brush to paint them all the same as the relatively few truly misled unrelated fools. This is done to misrepresent and nullify the sound arguments true patriots try to convey. “There’s no doubt out of millions of protesters, a few might have said something inappropriate. If the media treated left-wing protest with the same fine-tooth comb, they’d be shocked by the results.” I couldn’t agree more.

People, we need to repair the wall of our republic and bring it back to the roots it was founded upon. Otherwise we will continue to see the shoddy, disrepair that tends to fall in time without it.

"This is all the inheritance I can give to my dear family. The religion of Christ will give them one which will make them rich indeed." – Patrick Henry (1736 – 1799)

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