“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
John Adams – 1798
Once again this week, a story developed that should cause Americans to ask the question of this blog title.
“A federal judge has ruled in favor of a public university that removed a Christian student from its graduate program in school counseling over her belief that homosexuality is morally wrong.” Todd Starnes Published July 28, 2010 FoxNews.com
What is telling about this story is the reason Julea Ward is given for her removal. The university contended she violated school policy and the American Counseling Association code of ethics. Another student, Jennifer Keeton, 24, has been pursuing a master's degree in school counseling at Augusta State University since 2009, but school officials have informed her that she'll be dismissed from the program unless she alters her "central religious beliefs on human nature and conduct. Not because of poor academic showing or demonstrated deficiencies in clinical performance, but simply because she has communicated both inside and outside the classroom that she holds to Christian ethical convictions on matters of human sexuality and gender identity.
So the question becomes, where does the American Counseling Association get its code of ethics? Certainly not solely from the America John Adams presumed or for that matter, than most all the signers of our Declaration of Independence. Julea and Jennifer are only reflecting morals our nation was found upon. The issue of gay life style is controversial but for a Christian is clear, given the scripture. It all boils down to where this country will receive direction related moral issues. Should we accept and allow the results of a kleptomaniac as an alternate lifestyle because they can’t help it; they were born that way? If not, then why the gay lifestyle? Both are from the same moral compass. Take it a step further, why not accept and protect the serial killer because he can’t help himself; he was born that way?
You may get a sense of where I stand. But let me quote myself from another work I’m working on. The character Leland explains his stand on a gay lifestyle.
"Time has proved this 'alternate' life style hasn't saved people in any way. Rather it's caused multitudes of havoc. They have a right to believe as they wish. Never should they be mistreated or abused simply for having an opposing opinion on sexual preference. They need the help and support of society the same as everyone else. The thing I struggle with is how we Christians should react to that. We don't have laws protecting an employee from being fired if he's drunk or high on the job. Nor is a compulsive gamblers' job protected if he decides to be absent from work for weeks to go on a gambling binge. I say that because the Bible tells us these things are wrong.
"These acts erode and undermine the basis of a good working society and it is the Bible that teaches this. Yes, gays have rights but not anything reaching beyond that which will counteract the worldview this country was founded on. This means no special or equal family status, military standing or any other special privileges they're now striving to achieve, because the Bible says it’s wrong.
"I know the Lord teaches us to love one another and we should, but we need to show that love in the context of His word. Sometimes love is very tough, just as Jesus was with people at times. You notice when the Pharisees brought the women to Him to be stoned He directed those who had no sin to throw the first stone. They all walked away because they had to, but remember He told the women to sin no more. Jesus gave her a chance to understand her plight, but expected her to break the cycle she was in."
Search - Richard Coller
This issue will be with us for years to come. All I can say to Julea, Jennifer and all who want a degree in any counseling program is this. They had better understand where that institution derives its moral base and attend a school that will allow biblical counseling. They will be a better counselors for it.
"While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian."
George Washington
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