Noah Webster, Letters to a Young Gentleman Commencing His Education, 1789
Only Wednesday night will reveal the answer to the question posed in this title, but I predict this administration doesn’t know how to listen. Why would I say that? Look at what David Axelrod had to say about what happened in Massachusetts a week ago.
“The same forces that we saw at play in Massachusetts were the ones that propelled [Obama] to office,” Axelrod said. “There’s no reinventing any message here. It’s a reaffirmation of a message."
Scott Brown won his senate seat with the similar platform that Obama claims propelled him to the oval office. If that is true what needs to be learned here is not the platforms are “apples to apples” but rather “apples to oranges” and which one is which. The people did vote for change in 2008 and I believe tried to narrow that desire in 2010. Axelrod and group don’t seem to understand the language or are not paying attention. I would interpret it this way.
“We don’t disagree with the idea of change. But the change this current Democratic administration has been unfolding is not the one we want. You had better alter directions and listen to the definition of the change we would like. You’re headed in the wrong direction. Listen and we will try to explain what we want.
So, Mr. Axelrod, it is not an affirmation the people are expecting. It is an accurate definition and then moving in that direction.
”Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual — or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country. “
Samuel Adams, in the Boston Gazette, April 16, 1781
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